Found few drops of something under the car towards rear of engine and just passengers side of centre.
looked almost clear, possibly a bit yellow and didn’t smell much.
PS fluid is red.
brake and clutch colour is close.
engine oil is brownish.
It didn’t smell much like any of those.
pulled intercooler off to check clutch master and slave.
Master is full to top, slave is dry.
AC issues
Started wiping a few bits to see if anything was wet.
Then saw the AC connector(expansion valve) on firewall was dirty. When started to clear it the foam(packing) surround was full of yellow oil.
PACKING 72133FG050
Checked the bolt online and it’s a Allen key bolt and mine is a standard 6 sided one.
BOLT 73570FC000
Guess when engine put in one of two times it been out someone put the wrong bolt in. Since this is a new issue it’s likely it was part of the rebuild.
Still not convinced
While it matches colour and is on the correct side it could still be gearbox fluid or brake fluid.
Will have to take it to local shop to get it up on hoist.
Had a Subaru guy look at it and says looks like wrong bolt is fitted. So may need to be removed cleaned new o-ring and make sure pump still has correct amount of oil. Hopefully it’s not a short bolt that been over tightened or the dash may have to come out to replace the lines inside that it all threads up too.
clean out most of what was behind the foam and while full of oil it doesn’t seem to have left any trace down the firewall so looking like it’s not what was on the ground.
On a side note the roof insulation seems to work both for heat and noise.
Hello from America. I have a 1999 Legacy B4 RSK (EJ208 Dual Turbo) that I need to do a Fuel Pressure Regulator change on. Should be an easy job, right.....Not really. On my model, the FPR looks like it lives on the very end of the fuel rail back towrds the drivers side turbo. Not real easy way to get to it that I can see without removing the intake. Is this a true statement? Has anyone done this on theirs? Any tips, tricks or cheat codes are gretaly appreciated.